Monday, November 3, 2008


For what it's worth:

8 Things I am looking forward to:
- Finishing the Marie Antoinette Dress
- Finishing Rachel's quilt
- The return of a more cheerful attitude (I've been such a grouch this weekend)

8 Things on my wish list
- See item #3 on last list, if I could get that back, I could answer this.

8 T.V shows I like to watch
- Exteme Makeover - Home Edition
- The Biggest Loser
- MacGyver
- A-Team
- Mission Impossible
Have I aged myself yet?
- 30 Minute Meals
Honestly, the first two are the only ones I watch consistently, I'm more of a movie watcher then a T.V. Show watcher

8 Things that happened yesterday
- Woke-up
- 30 - 45 minute tangent on a subject that I am highly allergic to and why I should see someone about that
- Read
- Showered and got dressed for church
- Reviewed the Sunday School lesson (just in case the teacher who's suppose to teach today doesn't show)
- Convinced my anxiety ridden personality to leave the SS lesson manual home. "Give me a break sister, he's always shown up to teach his lesson. Will you just chill out!!!!!"
- Went to church and enjoyed it immensely
- Chill pill wore off and ended the day on another tirade (shaking head, some people!!! - ie:ME)

Now I'm suppose to "tag" 8 additional people, but having forced you to read such a bad attitude tag post, I will just end with a sincerely apologize that I didn't just erase my entries and say Hi.

(Sheesh, this is what happens when some people don't stay in their room where they grounded themselves)


Amy Marble said...

You're funny Amy!! Hope today and the rest of the week gets better for you.

Danyelle Ferguson said...

Oh, poor Amy. It sounds like you had a rough day! Big hugs!!!