Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 Randomness - Part 2

8 - I always thought Feb. 17 was pretty cool. I liked how it coinsides with March 17th which is one of my favorite holidays, St. Patrick's Day. A holiday about green and the luck of the Irish. I figured Feb. 17 had to be a close cousin somehow.

9 - I was a month late being born. (Rationally, my mom figures the doc got the date wrong) but still I love that story. It pretty much says I'm on my own time table and will get to it in my own good time. (that saying, this post will pretty much circle around this theme)

10 - I was excited about turning 30. I thought all the "depression/old" stigma 30 got, was completely silly. Now that I was out of the 20's I didn't have to do the same thing as I did then. I would be more of my own person in my 30's and boy was I excited about it.

11 - Now 31, that's been the hard year to accept. So late as always, I get the "30 blues" as a 31 year old. I think it's mainly that the "big plans" I had made as a thirty year old came close to happening but then at the last minute got pulled. ;) Still trying to accept that one.

12 - I was never really into makeup as a teenager. It was so much hassle. That saying, I never really had the acne problem that many of my friends had. I remember a cousin (we were close in age and always good friends) told me once how jealousy she was that I had such clear skin. I didn't have much time to glory in that complement, cause my mom quickly pointed out all that would change when I started wearing makeup more often. And sure enough as a 19 year old with college and stuff, I wore more make up and had more break outs.

13 - Along with that I got braces later, as a college student. Can't remember how or why it came about, but figure ... Oh ya now I remember. I went into have a tooth looked out, it was baby tooth that the dentist had figured just didn't have a tooth behind it. He found it was in pretty bad shape, and then noticed there was a tooth above it that had never pushed the baby out. He sent me to the "braces specialist" who gave me three options, the first one involved pulling at least 2 "good" teeth and leaving the bad one which didn't make sense to me ( but I guess it didn't involve braces) Of course I took option 2 which involved leaving perfectly good teeth alone, pulling the "bad baby" and wearing braces to pull the one down and everything else together. (No I don't remember option 3, only that it was more expensive then the other two.)

14. (Could #13 count for two randomness) I know I'm pretty random, but 25 is alot to come up with and I'm about due for another nasty coughing fit.

15. Cookbooks, you know how they separate the recipes into the different categories. The Breads category would be the area I like to play with the most. Meat still remains a mystery to me but I love playing with and learning different techniques of working with bread.

16. Did you know that generally speaking scalding milk doesn't need to be done, because pasteurization kills all the bacteria but when it comes to making bread their is an enzyme in milk that effects the "texture/rising" of bread. And by scalding the milk, it inactivates the enzyme that pasteurization never did. Fascinating stuff I tell you.

17. Talking about bread, my mom is very particular about her freshly baked bread, not allowing it to be cut while it's still hot. Well one time, I guess I caught her in a weak moment and she gave me permission to cut into a loaf that just came out of the oven. Now for you to get the full effect of what happened you need to know that she had her back to me and my dad was facing her and could see everything I was going ;) Remember that! Not letting a rare opportunity like this to go by, I decided that this loaf was special and should be cut special. So instead of cutting normal slices (side to side) I cut it from end to end, one long piece of warm mouth watering butter melting slice of bread. My dad started to point out what I was doing, was interpreted by my mother as just complaining that she never lets anyone cut into her bread/why letting me do it now. So he starts getting "lectured" by my mom and I'm loving every minute of it. ( I don't know if this makes any sense, but oh well) Anyway, he finally gets her to see what I'm doing as I finish spreading the butter on it. Yes, they had their own slices of "Amy's Slicing bread method"; 5 slices and the loaf was gone!!!! No she hasn't allowed me to cut into her hot bread since, but it was still so worth it.

18 - Amy's "Special" slicing method came in handy another time at a family birthday party (no not mine) No one wanted to cut the birthday cake so I took it upon myself to stop the suffering of the little kids who just wanted to have some cake but weren't allowed to touch knives. So standard cake pan cutting procedures: 3-4 across/5-6 down, nice even square servings for the group Am I right? Well I followed that ... sort-of, instead of straight lines, I made them wavy. It was so cool and those who wanted a "big" piece got their big piece and those who prefer a smaller sampling had that option too.

Ok, that does it for me. I'm running low. Till the next installment of "25 Randomness" please have a nice day and if you're not I recommend trying "Amy's Specially Slicing Method". And if this is too much information for you, just let me know and I can cancell the final installment, cause I'm feeling a little exposed.


Marble Madness said...

You are just too funny! I love all of these and you can't stop now....25!!!!! and i think you should have to redo #14. I don't remember #18, was I there?

Amy said...

I think so, it was at Jeffrey's old apartment in Sandy. Can't remember if it was #1 or #2.

Amy Marble said...

These are fun to read - I'm with Emily. You can't stop now! I love the slicing method - I might have to try it next time I make bread. Hope you had a happy birthday!

Sonja said...

31 was a hard age for me too. 30 wasn't bad, but 31 got to me. I love you. I love your crazyness, keep it up!

Danyelle Ferguson said...

Amy - you're awesome no matter what age you are. Personally, I love being 30. Now 40 and 50 I'm not so sure about.